For Inspectors

For Inspectors

How do you enroll a new Tree Farm? First, ask yourself these simple questions:

Does the landowner have 10 or more contiguous acres of forested land?

Does the landowner wish to enroll in Tree Farm and manage to its higher standard?

Still have questions as an Inspector? Be sure to visit the American Tree Farm System’s Inspector’s Corner page, which includes Inspector FAQs, webinars, and other helpful resources.

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Tree Farm Inspectors

Nominate a New York Tree Farmer of the Year! Applications due by 10/1 yearly for the following year.

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If you answer yes to both, then:

Ensure that the management plan meets the 2021 Standards. You may need to complete an addendum or update the plan with required information. (See additional items required to enroll in Tree Farm and/or management plan addendum.) We also have a landowner objectives checklist that you may download and use as an attachment to the management plan.

Visit the property to verify that activity on the ground matches activity specified in the plan.

Complete an initial inspection 021 using the writable pdf and submit via email to Remember that original handwritten signatures are no longer required; typed-in signatures are preferred for ease of processing.

The New York Tree Farm administrator will assign a tree farm number, assign the inspection to you, and set up the landowners and property in the national database. You as the inspector need to submit the 021. Once the 021 has been submitted and accepted, the landowner will receive a welcome letter and copy of the inspection report via mail. You will also receive a copy for your files.

Inspector Training:

Inspecting to the 2021 Standards: To be qualified to inspect to the 2021 ATFS Standards, all ATFS Inspecting Foresters must initially update their credentials to the 2021 Standards via classroom training. Following training, an inspector’s status will remain active for two years, during which time a forester must either complete an inspection or take the online refresher, to remain active for another two years. If neither action is completed within two years, the inspector status will change to inactive and he or she must attend a classroom training again to be returned to active status.

Next Inspector Training

TBD – Check back for details!

The ATFS database has been updated to track inspector actions and will send automatic email messages reminding you when your active status will expire. This should alert you to the need to either complete an inspection or take the online referesher. If you do not intend to provide Tree Farm services, then we suggest you not renew your Tree Farm forester certification.

The online refresher is available 24/7 at for those wishing to take this training. If you do not know your log in credentials, please email the NY Tree Farm Administrator at the New York office.

Tree Farm foresters are required to complete at least one action every two years, and we will be monitoring actions more closely in order to conform. If you do not intend to provide Tree Farm services, then we suggest you not renew your Tree Farm forester certification.

New Inspections: All new landowners and properties entering the ATFS program must be inspected to the 2021 Standards utilizing the revised Tree Farm Inspection Record (021 form) form or app.

Required Sample Inspections: All 2021 Required Sample inspections must be inspected to the 2021 Standards utilizing the revised Tree Farm Inspection Record (021) form or app.

Reinspections: All re-inspections of landowners and properties currently certified in the ATFS program must be inspected to the 2021 Standards utilizing the revised Tree Farm Inspection Record (021) form or app.

Check out the 2021 ATFS Management Plan Addendum! ATFS developed this Addendum as an easy-to-use resource to help landowners ensure their management plan reflects the goals they have for their land, assesses the current health of their woods, and aligns their plan with the Standards.

The addendum is also a great tool to highlight their commitment to good forestry and provides additional resources to ensure they have considered all the important elements that go into sustainable forestry including:

Forest Health

Soil and Water

Proper Use of Pesticides

Prescribed Burning


Forests of Recognized Importance

Special Sites

Submitting a new 021 with new 2021 ATFS Standards of Sustainability:

Inspection Form Options:

It no longer has the capability of being printed as hardcopy for handwritten submissions. The 021 must have information entered electronically for easy emailing and uploading into the ATFS Database.

Editable PDF of 021 Form

*Your Electronic signature is fine. No need to print, sign, and scan – save us time and e-sign!

*The ATFS Inspection App is in development and will be available soon. Inspectors can contact the NY Tree Farm Administrator to get their log-in information and assistance with the app.

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